On Urban Legends....
The University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and the University of Maryland in College Park have something in common. Stories suggest that if a virgin walks by a particular statue on campus, that statue will react in some way. At the University of North Carolina, they say Silent Sam, a memorial of a UNC alumnus who died fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War, will shoot his rifle. At the University of Tennessee, the statue of The Torchbearer's flame will go out. And at the University of Maryland, a statue of the school's mascot, a diamondback terrapin (a kind of turtle) named Testudo, will sprout wings and fly away. There's one more: At the University of Missouri in Columbia, the University of Michigan in Dearborn, and the University of Cincinnati, pairs of stone lions will roar when a virgin walks between them
I have never heard a gun shot in the past 5 years from campus....wonder what that means about UNC and virgins.....
I have never heard a gun shot in the past 5 years from campus....wonder what that means about UNC and virgins.....
Why do you think I visit UNC so much!
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