Your friendly Ye Olde Elders present.......
Reasons to celebrate:
- Daniel Vaughts 21st Birthday (give or take 5 years)
- Colten Marbles 23rd Year of Life (Bong off Champion)
- Adam Parks 23rd Year of Life (Shot off Champion) Who will be this years champion???
- Welcome Home BJ, its been a while (as I am sure Brooke and her ______ can attest)
- and last but not least the Mi So horny fiesta for Todd "Shaggy" Olson and Eric Hoffman. These two will be venturing off to the land of Chinamen on March 6 so we want to wish them a bon voyage with a hangover to last the entire 18 hour trip.
- Also we no longer get a spring break so we have to pack 7 days worth of fun (i.e. AP's lake house (only a day and a half), Ryans beach house, Costa Rica, Panama City and the Carribean) into one extraordinary evening.
I know you will agree with me that these are great causes to have a celebration. So everyone put on your party pants and get ready to be wined and not-so-dined but still a good time with great friends. And of course come out to support your local Elders. Something for you to think about: What kind of delicious drinks will be served this time? What will be the creative decorating theme for this celebration? Will we have gifts? Will there be a raffle? What kind of outfits will everyone be sporting? Which lucky lady/ladies will be Adam Parks' date(s)? Will the 5-0 come roast marshmellows with us again? Will Drunk Uncle Bob be able to sneak out of his AA meeting to come drink with us???
kubis, did you think about the unc/dook game that night, and how all the freakin state fans will be pulling against our beloved heels. that is gonna be some bad news, I don't want any fights to break out!
I have a good feeling they will all be very pleasant and polite. there will be no guns brought to this event as our bouncer will be frisking suspicious individuals. It has been three years of sweeps and there has not been a fight yet which goes to show what good sports they are.
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